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Profile image of Maureen McLendon

12222 Merit Dr., Ste. 1600
Dallas , TX 75251

Maureen C. McLendon, CPCU, ARM, CRIS

Prior to her passing in September 2014, Ms. McLendon was the author and principal research analyst for Commercial Auto Insurance, coeditor of IRMI Insurance Cancellation Guide, and principal research analyst for Classification Cross-Reference. She was formerly the principal research analyst for Commercial Liability Insurance and Risk Financing.

Before joining IRMI in 1985, Ms. McLendon was an account executive in the special risk department of a major insurance company. She was a magna cum laude graduate of the University of Texas at Dallas with a bachelor of science degree in business administration, and she held a master of business administration degree in risk management and insurance from the University of North Texas.

Ms. McLendon was an active member of the Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) Society. She held a number of chairmanships and offices, including the office of president, in the Dallas Chapter of the Society. She also served as regional vice president, as national director of the South Central Region, as chairperson of the Risk Management Interest Section, and as a member of several national committees and task forces. Ms. McLendon was a member of the CPCU-Harry J. Loman Foundation's M-Club and was a term trustee of the Foundation.

In addition to the CPCU designation, Ms. McLendon held the Associate in Risk Management (ARM) and Construction Risk and Insurance Specialist (CRIS) designations.

IRMI established the Maureen C. McLendon, CPCU, Memorial Scholarship in her honor at the University of North Texas.
