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IRMI Webinars

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Recent Transportation Case Law and Updates

April 2, 2025 | 10 AM CDT
Joe Hutelmyer, Adjunct Professor and Consultant and Larry Rabinovich, Partner, Barclay Damon, LLP

Two industry veterans review some of the leading transportation law decisions from 2024, as well as regulatory updates, and discuss how they may impact motor carriers, freight brokers, shippers and insurers going forward.

Together, they will discuss issues such as:

  • Freight broker exposure to liability claims in light of recent decisions by two federal circuit courts of appeal.
  • Driver classification in two aspects: whether the driver is an employee or an independent contractor, and whether the driver is insured under the policy.
  • Insurer attempts to limit coverage to scenarios where the truck driver has been approved in advance by the insurer.
  • The issues before the Texas Supreme Court in the $100 million Werner (nuclear verdict) appeal.
  • Limitations of liability for cargo losses when a broker prepares the paperwork.

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2025 Webinar Schedule

Date Topic Speaker Register
April 2, 2025

Recent Transportation Case Law and Updates

Joe Hutelmyer

Larry Rabinovich

Register Now
April 22, 2025 Negotiating Tech E&O and Cyber Policy Enhancements for the Middle Market Mike Rossi Register Now
May 27, 2025 Property Insurance Captives: Hard Market Remedy?  TJ Scherer Register Now
June 17, 2025 2025's Cyber Insurance Trends: Stay Ahead of the Curve Rick Betterley Register Now
July 15, 2025 Billion Dollar Blind Spot: Safeguarding Operational Technology in the Age of Cyber Warfare  Robert Lee Register Now

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Available Webinar Recordings

Railroad protective liability insurance is one of those unique coverages that contractors purchase when they are contractually required to do so. It’s a specialty line about which many insurance buyers and sellers have little knowledge. The fog of mystery will be lifted in this engaging 1-hour webinar with Cate Whiddon sharing valuable insights and lessons learned throughout her career in the railroad insurance space and specifically the practical strategies for success that she has honed in procuring railroad protective liability insurance coverage. You will gain firsthand knowledge of railroad protective liability insurance coverage along with actionable tips that you can immediately apply when underwriting, selling, or buying this insurance.


Your Speaker: Catherine (Cate) Whiddon, Senior Vice President & North American Railroad Practice Leader at Westchester, a CHUBB Company

Recorded On: 03/04/2025

Politics and economics will dominate headlines in 2025. The return of Donald Trump to the White House and a new Congress guarantee big changes for the year ahead in every industry—including insurance. Sweeping changes in fiscal policy, trade, geopolitics, regulation and labor policy will impact the property/casualty insurance industry in a multitude of ways. Some changes will likely benefit insurers while others are potentially detrimental. This presentation will provide a fast-paced overview and outlook for the industry for 2025 and beyond, focusing on those areas likely to be most consequentially impacted.


Your Speaker: Robert P. Hartwig, PhD, CPCU, Clinical Associate Professor of Risk Management, Insurance, and Finance

Recorded On: 02/17/2025

For businesses that make, distribute, or sell products, a persistent challenge is dealing with the responsibility for injury or damage that its products may cause. This webinar is focused on liability insurance for products, typically provided by a Commercial General Liability Coverage Part or CGL policy. It touches on how liability may be imposed on a seller of products, such as negligent manufacture or design, breach of warranty, failure to give warnings or instructions and strict liability. The discussion highlights coverage in the CGL policy, such as the coverage trigger and key definitions, including what constitutes “your product” and the two elements needed for a product to fall within the “products-completed operations hazard” and therefore subject its own policy aggregate limit. Pertinent exclusions, such as when a product damages itself, impairs the function of other property, or requires a recall are considered. Obtaining coverage on the CGL policy of another via the Additional Insured—Vendors (CG 20 15) endorsement is also discussed.


Your Speaker: Craig F. Stanovich, Principal Consultant at Austin & Stanovich Risk Managers LLC

Recorded On: 10/08/2024

In this webinar, Mark Walls, a leading expert in workers compensation issues, discusses the claims trends, hidden cost drivers, and the industry outlook for 2024 and beyond. Mark’s company, Safety National, is one of the leading workers compensation insurers in the nation and specializes in assisting large businesses and public entities. If you want to gain a greater understanding of what is really happening in workers compensation and be able to share that information with your clients, you don’t want to miss this.

Your Speaker: Mark Walls, Vice President Client Engagement at Safety National

Recorded on 9/10/2024

The spate of projects that will comprise the next generation of America’s renewable energy infrastructure is already underway. This webinar provides an overview of the different types of solar, wind, and battery energy storage system projects, as well as the following.

  • How they differ from other types of construction projects
  • The unique characteristics of each (e.g., geographical, logistical, and design/constructability)
  • The information needed to properly underwrite those exposures to help foster a better understanding of these risk types for those involved in constructing and/or insuring these risks

In addition, the speakers offer thoughts around common coverages generally seen on these risks, as well as those specific to the scope of a project, and the impact on risk management decisions when a project involves tax equity credits.

Your Speakers:
Michael Cueman, Head of Construction-USA at AXIS
Sam Walsh, Head of US Renewable Energy at AXIS

Recorded on 7/23/2024

As cyber threats become more creative and effective, cyber insurance coverage is under increasing pressure to adapt to the needs of insureds. Learn how insurers are adapting to exposure threats with broadening and limiting wording, creative underwriting and risk management services, and carefully managed sublimits. Risk managers, insurance brokers and advisers, underwriters, and attorneys can look to this webinar for the latest trends to help protect their clients and adapt their product offerings.

Your Speakers:

Jes Alexander, Senior Research Analyst at IRMI

Richard Betterley, President of Betterley Risk Consultants, Inc.

Recorded on 6/25/24

This session will examine what sections and wording are required in all actuarial reports and what language is discretionary. We will discuss how actuaries document their data, methods, models, assumptions, and findings. The ultimate goal of this webinar is to help nontechnical readers better understand actuarial reports and get more value from them.

Your Speaker: Robert Walling, Principal, Pinnacle Actuarial Resources

Recorded on 5/21/24

In this webinar, the speakers will review recall classifications and considerations, including current trends as well as insurance issues both before and after a food recall. They will offer a strategy for recovering losses from suppliers.

Your Speakers: Arthur Garrett and Evangelia Pelonis, Partners at Keller & Heckman

Recorded on 4/23/24

Directors and officers (D&O) insurance expert Mike Rossi provides a brief overview of why every private company should buy D&O insurance, and then moves quickly into wording and coverage issues to consider when structuring a D&O insurance program for a privately held middle market company. He covers wording changes to try to negotiate in Primary and Excess policies to improve off-the-shelf coverage. Because most D&O insurers do not negotiate wordings for their private company offerings as readily as they do for their public company offerings, he also suggests program structure strategies to maximally protect the personal assets of a private company’s directors and officers. For example, one such strategy is buying Excess/DIC Side A insurance. Another strategy to use once Excess/DIC Side A is purchased is adding the Side A Match coverage feature on the Primary and Excess ABC policies. Both strategies are explained in detail.

Your Speaker: Michael Rossi, Owner, Insurance Law Group, Inc.

Recorded on 3/26/24

The year ahead is fraught with economic, financial, and geopolitical uncertainty. Is 2024 the year in which inflation will finally be tamed? The universally predicted recession of 2023 never materialized—but is the US economy truly out of the woods? And with military conflicts, saber-rattling and weakening economies overseas, how will the global economy be impacted? Looming over all of these are the US elections, the implications of which will reverberate throughout the world. Insurers, policyholders, and the economic and financial environment in which the operate will directly and significantly impacted. This presentation will provide a high-level overview of the trends, challenges, and opportunities in store for 2024!

Your Speaker: Robert P. Hartwig, PhD, CPCU, Clinical Associate Professor, Finance Department and Director, Center for Risk and Uncertainty Management at Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina

Recorded on 2/6/24

The application of liability insurance to construction defect claims has long been one of the most complex and disputed coverage issues in the United States. Liability policies are designed with an attempt to cover fortuitous losses related to defective work while excluding the insured’s so-called business risks. The problem is that there is much gray area between the two, which has led to literally thousands of coverage disputes between insurers and their insureds. In this webinar, Patrick J. Wielinski, author of Insurance for Defective Construction, will trace the past trends that have gotten the industry to the present day and how those trends have contributed to current attempts at addressing defective construction coverage.

Your Speaker: Patrick J. Wielinski, Principal at Cokinos | Young

Recorded on 10/10/23

Based on IRMI's The Risk Report by the same name, this session will present 10 critical elements to charting a successful career in risk management and those elements especially helpful to leadership development at the highest levels. Presented by Chris Mandel, the 2004 Risk Manager of the Year and former chief risk officer and RIMS president, and Bob Bowman, senior director, chief risk officer at The Wendy’s Company, this session will provide the basis for understanding key things to do, and not to do, to achieve long term career goals in risk management.

Your Speakers:

Bob Bowman, Senior Director, Chief Risk Officer at The Wendy's Company

Chris Mandel, Chief Risk Adviser at USI

Recorded on 8/15/23

All it takes is a few words to frustrate the intent of contractors regarding the transfer of risk and additional insured coverage. Exxon recently learned this the hard way, spending 9 years in hard-fought litigation that required the rare involvement of the Texas Supreme Court to secure coverage. Importantly, the case involves the interpretation of common umbrella policy language affecting additional insured coverage. This webinar breaks down the significant factors in the case that influenced the court’s decision and the impact on all contractual risk transfer vehicles. 

Your Speakers:

Jes Alexander, Senior Research Analyst at IRMI

Veronica Bates, Director of Curriculum at IRMI

Recorded on 6/27/23

Those involved in the ownership, financing, operation, and construction of renewable energy assets must take a careful and comprehensive view of the ever-shifting risk landscape, adapting and strengthening their risk management practices and risk financing in the face of change. This session is aimed at bridging the gap for professionals familiar with traditional energy but newer to renewable energy or those working with colleagues and partners who have less experience with the renewable energy sector and navigating its unique risks.

Your Speakers:

Mike Kolodner, Global Renewable Energy & US Power Leader at Marsh

Katie Wilson, Renewable Industry Specialist at Marsh

Recorded on 06/13/2023

Liability insurance for nontrucking use (IFNTU), also known as “bobtail liability” or “deadhead coverage,” has long been a source of confusion for risk professionals, trucking professionals, and the courts alike. When an accident occurs, gray areas often arise as to whether the truck was being operated on behalf of the motor carrier or the owner-operator. This leads to messy coverage disputes between the insurers. This informative webinar will enlighten you about the typical scenarios and how to resolve the coverage issues.

Your Speaker: Larry Rabinovich, Partner at Barclay Damon, LLP

Recorded on 05/09/2023

This 1-hour webinar will provide an overview of advanced macro program structure issues to consider and examples of specific wording choices to make in each type of policy comprising a D&O insurance program. You'll take away proven strategies you can use to create what many would consider to be a “best in class” D&O insurance program.

Your Speaker: Michael Rossi, Owner at Insurance Law Group, Inc

Recorded On 03/21/23

Take a deeper look at the Form MCS-90. The MCS-90 is a unique endorsement applicable to motor carriers. If you buy insurance for, sell insurance to, or underwrite insurance on commercial vehicles, check out this must-watch webinar.

Your Speaker: Larry Rabinovich, Partner at Barclay Damon, LLP

Recorded on 01/12/22