This is a list of links to state workers compensation assigned risk plans and pools.
- Alabama—NCCI Holdings, Inc.
- Alaska—NCCI Holdings, Inc.
- Arizona—NCCI Holdings, Inc.
- Arkansas—NCCI Holdings, Inc.
- California—State Compensation Insurance Fund
- Colorado—Pinnacol Assurance
- Connecticut—NCCI Holdings, Inc.
- Delaware—Delaware Compensation Rating Bureau
- District of Columbia—NCCI Holdings, Inc.
- Florida—Florida Workers Compensation Joint Underwriting Association (FWCJUA)
- Georgia—NCCI Holdings, Inc.
- Hawaii—Hawaii Employers Mutual Insurance Company
- Idaho—NCCI Holdings, Inc.
- Illinois—NCCI Holdings, Inc.
- Indiana—Indiana Compensation Rating Bureau
- Iowa—NCCI Holdings, Inc.
- Kansas—NCCI Holdings, Inc.
- Kentucky—Kentucky Employers' Mutual Insurance Authority
- Louisiana—Louisiana Workers' Compensation Corporation (LWCC)
- Maine—Maine Employers Mutual Insurance Company
- Maryland—Chesapeake Employers Insurance
- Massachusetts—Workers Compensation Rating and Inspection Bureau of Massachusetts
- Michigan—Michigan Workers Compensation Placement Facility
- Minnesota—Minnesota Workers Compensation Insurers Association
- Mississippi—NCCI Holdings, Inc.
- Missouri—Travelers Missouri Workers Compensation Plan
- Montana—Montana State Fund
- Nebraska—Travelers Indemnity Company
- Nevada—NCCI Holdings, Inc.
- New Hampshire—NCCI Holdings, Inc.
- New Jersey—New Jersey Compensation Rating and Inspection Bureau
- New Mexico—NCCI Holdings, Inc.
- New York—The State Insurance Fund
- North Carolina—North Carolina Rate Bureau
- Oklahoma—CompSource Oklahoma
- Oregon—NCCI Holdings, Inc.
- Pennsylvania—State Workers Insurance Fund
- Rhode Island—The Beacon Mutual Insurance Company
- South Carolina—NCCI Holdings, Inc.
- South Dakota—NCCI Holdings, Inc.
- Tennessee—NCCI Holdings, Inc.
- Texas—Texas Mutual Insurance Company
- Utah—Workers Compensation Fund of Utah
- Vermont—NCCI Holdings, Inc.
- Virginia—NCCI Holdings, Inc.
- West Virginia—NCCI Holdings, Inc.
- Wisconsin—Wisconsin Compensation Rating Bureau