Air toxins are any air pollutant for which a national ambient air quality standard does not exist (unlike ozone, carbon monoxide, PM-10, etc.) that may reasonably be anticipated to cause cancer, developmental effects, reproductive dysfunctions, neurological disorders, heritable gene mutations, or other serious or irreversible chronic or acute health effects in humans.
Read MoreAn aleatory contract is an agreement concerned with an uncertain event that provides for unequal transfer of value between the parties.
Read MorePremises that have been sold or given away to another or abandoned are called alienated premises.
Read MoreAn alien insurer is domiciled in and licensed under the laws of a country outside a given jurisdiction.
Read MoreAllegations are unsupported assertions that each party to a dispute intends to prove. Until each assertion is proven, it is only an allegation.
Read MoreAllied healthcare professional liability insurance is designed to cover nonphysician healthcare professionals including nurses, dentists, physical therapists, technicians, and a variety of other persons providing medical services.
Read MoreIn workers compensation insurance, allocated expenses are expenses associated with handling a specific claim other than payments for medical or indemnity benefits.
Read MoreAllocated loss adjustment expenses (ALAEs) are loss adjustment expenses that are assignable or allocable to specific claims.
Read MoreAllocation is the assignment to individual policies of the obligation to defend or indemnify an insured when injury or damage has occurred during a succession of policy periods.
Read MoreAll inclusive coverage is one of three approaches used for condominium insurance coverage, with the condo master policy covering all real property.
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