All risks coverage is property insurance covering loss arising from any fortuitous cause except those that are specifically excluded.
Read MoreAll risks difference-in-conditions (DIC) coverage is an enhancement to a contractor's master builders risk policy to ensure the contractor's scope of coverage when the builders risk policy provided by an upstream party is less broad than the contractor's policy.
Read MoreAll risks, ground and flight, provides all risks hull coverage for the described aircraft whether or not the aircraft is in flight at the time of loss.
Read MoreAll risks, not in motion, is a coverage under aviation insurance policies that provides all risks hull coverage for the described aircraft while not in motion—that is, on the ground and not in motion under its own power.
Read MoreAn alteration of medical records exclusion can be found within the majority of physicians professional liability insurance policy forms with the purpose of eliminating coverage for claims involving the alteration of medical records.
Read MoreAn alternate employer endorsement is an endorsement added to a workers compensation policy that provides an entity scheduled as an alternate employer with primary workers compensation and employers liability coverage as if it were an insured under the policy. This endorsement is commonly used when a temporary help agency (the insured) is required by its customer (the alternate employer) to protect the alternate employer from claims brought by the insured's employees.
Read MoreThe Alternative Assessment Procedure (AAP) is a special agreement between the Canadian provincial workers compensation funds that provides trucking companies with an optional assessment program that simplifies the reporting of payrolls and payment of premium in the various jurisdictions.
Read MoreAlternative dispute resolution (ADR) is a method for resolving legal disputes other than full litigation through formal trial. Examples of ADR include mediation and arbitration.
Read MoreAlternative dispute resolution (ADR) provisions are found within professional liability policies mandating that disputes regarding the application of coverage under the policy will be resolved by ADR approaches (generally arbitration), rather than through the traditional court system.
Read MoreAlternative market is a term commonly used in risk financing to refer to one of a number of risk funding techniques (e.g., self-insurance, captive) or facilities (e.g., ACE, XL) that provide coverages or services outside the realm of that provided by most traditional property-casualty (P&C) insurers.
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