Anti-stacking provisions are intended to avoid the application of multiple sets of deductibles or multiple sets of limits to a single loss event.
Read MoreAn antitheft device is a device in a car that reduces the chance that the vehicle will be stolen or vandalized or increases the chance of recovering a stolen car.
Read MoreAntitrust liability consists of violations of the Sherman and Clayton Acts that prohibit restraints of trade of monopolies.
Read MoreApparent agency is a legal doctrine applied in connection with estoppel stating that an agent has whatever power a reasonable person would assume that agent to have.
Read MoreAn application is a form providing the insurer with certain information necessary to underwrite a given risk.
Read MoreUnder an excess liability policy, application of retention is the practice of specifying a retention amount that applies on a different basis to different types of covered loss.
Read MoreApportionment involves the question of "how much" each of two or more policies covering a risk that sustained a loss will contribute to that loss.
Read MoreAn appraisal clause is a property insurance provision allowing either the insurer or the insured to demand a binding appraisal of damaged property in the event of a dispute as to its value and establishing the required appraisal procedure.
Read MoreAppraisers errors and omissions (E&O) insurance provides coverage for an appraiser or appraisal firm against claims alleging negligence in the development of an appraisal for the claimant.
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