Arbitration is the process of resolving a dispute between two parties by an impartial third party chosen by the parties in the dispute who agree in advance to abide by the arbitrator's award issued after a hearing at which both parties have a chance to be heard.
Read MoreAn arbitration clause, also known as an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) clause, requires the contracting parties to resolve disputes arising out of or concerning the contract through arbitration as opposed to mediation or litigation.
Read MoreArchitects and engineers (A&E) liability coverage is a form of liability insurance that insures design professionals against errors and omissions in their work.
Read MoreAsbestos abatement is the term for procedures to control fiber release from asbestos-containing materials in a building or to remove them entirely, including removal, encapsulation, repair, enclosure, encasement, and operations and maintenance programs.
Read MoreAn asbestos program manager is a building owner or designated representative who supervises all aspects of the facility's asbestos management and control program.
Read MoreAn assessment company refers to an insurer that retains the right to assess additional charges above initial premium when those premiums are shown to be inadequate to cover the costs of operation.
Read MoreAsset allocation refers to the makeup of the distribution of the various assets of an organization (usually to maximize expected reward within risk constraints).
Read MoreAn asset class is any type of financial transaction that can be converted into a standardized, quantifiable, negotiable asset.
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