Breach coaching is the expert assistance provided by an insurer to an insured in responding to a data breach.
Read MoreA breach of an employment contract is a type of claim in which an employee alleges that an employer has breached the terms of an agreement governing the terms of employment, of which there are two basic types: (1) a written employment contract and (2) an implied contract of employment.
Read MoreBreach of contract is the material failure to fulfill one's contractual obligations.
Read MoreBreach of warranty (BOW) clause refers to a lienholder's or lessor's interest endorsement that causes the policy to continue to protect the financial interest of a lienholder or lessor even when the insured breaches a condition, thereby voiding coverage.
Read MoreBreak point refers to the point at which layers of losses within a captive or risk retention group (RRG) are differentiated as being either "primary" or "excess" losses.
Read MoreBroadcasters liability is the legal liability to which radio and television broadcasters are subject.
Read MoreThe broad causes of loss form is one of the three Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO), commercial property insurance causes of loss forms. Causes of loss forms establish and define the causes of loss (or perils) for which coverage is provided. The broad causes of loss form (CP 10 20) provides named perils coverage for the perils insured against in the basic causes of loss form (fire, lightning, explosion, smoke, windstorm, hail, riot, civil commotion, aircraft, vehicles, vandalism, sprinkler leakage, sinkhole collapse, volcanic action), plus the following additional perils: falling objects; weight of snow, ice, or sleet; water damage (in the form of leakage from appliances); and collapse from specified causes.
Read MoreThe broad evidence rule is a valuation rule that has evolved in some states and does not adhere to the principle that the traditional measure of actual cash value (ACV) (replacement cost less depreciation) is the sole measure of value at the time of loss.
Read MoreThe broad form comprehensive general liability (BFCGL) endorsement, when attached to pre-1986 standard general liability policies, provided coverage enhancements including blanket contractual liability; personal injury (PI) and advertising liability; premises medical payments; host liquor liability; broad form property damage (PD) liability; and automatic coverage for newly acquired organizations, etc.
Read MoreBroad form contractual liability insurance is insurance that covers liability transferred in a wide variety of business contracts.
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