B&C - building and contents
B&M - boiler and machinery (forms)
BAP - business auto policy
BAPCPA - Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005
BBB - banker's blanket bond
BCBSA - Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
BCE - Bermuda Commodities Exchange
BCP - business continuity plan
BCSP - Board of Certified Safety Professionals
BELRIM - Belgian Risk Management Association
BFCGL - broad form comprehensive general liability (endorsement)
BI - bodily injury
BI - business interruption
BIC - business income coverage
BM - boiler and machinery (forms)
BOP - businessowners policy
BOW - breach of warranty
BPB - blanket position bond
BPF - basic premium factor
BPT - branch profits tax
BR - builders risk
BRAC - Base Realignment and Closure Act
BRIC - Brazil, Russia, India, and China
BTR - below-target risk
BV - brick veneer (construction)