FIIC - Fellow of the Insurance Institute of Canada
FINC - financial interest clause
FIO - Federal Insurance Office
FIRM - flood insurance rate map
FIRREA - Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989
FLMI - Fellow of the Life Management Institute
FM - factory mutual
FMV - fair market value
FNMA - Federal National Mortgage Association
FOB - free on board
FOC - Fire Office Committee Forms
FOSFI - Federal Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions
FPEB - Fire Prevention and Engineering Bureau
FR - farm and ranch (forms)
FR - fire resistive
FSA - flexible spending account
FSA - field service advice
FSA - Fellow of the Society of Actuaries
FSR - financial strength rating
FTC - Federal Trade Commission
FTCAC - fire, theft, and combined additional coverage
FVD - full value declared