M - masonry (construction)
M&D - minimum and deposit
MAAA - Member of American Academy of Actuaries
MAC - maximum allowable concentration
MAP - market assistance plan
MBIA - Municipal Bond Insurance Association
MCR - minimum capital requirement
MCS - Monte Carlo simulation
MD - doctor of medicine
MDL - maximum dollar loss
MDO - monthly debit ordinary life insurance
MDRT - Million Dollar Round Table
MET - multiple employer trust
MEWAS - Multiple Employer Welfare Associations
MEWP - Mobile Elevated Work Platform
MFL - maximum foreseeable loss
MGA - managing general agent
MIB - Medical Information Bureau
MICA - Mortgage Insurance Companies of America
MIGA - Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
MIS - management information system
MLE - maximum loss expectancy
MLEA - multiple line exclusive agent
MLR - multiple location risk
MMI - maximum medical improvement
MMII - Mass Marketing Insurance Institute
MNC - multi-national corporation
MOL - mitigation of loss
MORT - Management Oversight and Risk Tree
MOSB - mercantile open stock burglary (insurance)
MP - minimum premium
MP - multiple peril
MPCI - multi-peril crop insurance
MPL - maximum possible loss
MPL - miscellaneous professional liability
MPP - managed premium plan
MPRMA - Missouri Public Risk Management Association