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Hale Stewart

(832) 330–4101

Higginbotham Insurance

Hale Stewart, JD, LLM, CAM, CWM, CTEP

Captive Development Officer

Mr. Stewart is a fifth-generation attorney based in Houston, Texas. He has been practicing in captive insurance and tax law for the last 15 years. He is the author of US Captive Insurance Law, Captive Insurance in Plain English and Designing a Risk Financing Program, as well as articles for the Tax Analysts service. He is currently the Captive Development Officer for Higginbotham Insurance. When not practicing law, he is an avid fan of jazz guitar and spending time with his wife and dogs.



Captives and Residual Value Insurance

April 14, 2023 | F Hale Stewart


Reasons for Captive Formation Matter

September 15, 2022 | F Hale Stewart


Understanding Captive Insurance

November 17, 2021 | F Hale Stewart


Elements of Insurance

August 16, 2019 | F Hale Stewart


Who Should Form a Captive?

February 15, 2019 | F Hale Stewart