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Cyber and Privacy Risk and Insurance

Recent Cyber-Security Reports and Managing Current Threats

2024-06-28 | Mark Lanterman

Mark Lanterman examines new findings on cyber security and discusses the conclusions and recommendations.

Cyber and Privacy Risk and Insurance

Colorado Artificial Intelligence Law: Enforcement and Exceptions

2024-06-20 | Melissa J Krasnow

In this last article in the series, Melissa Krasnow discusses the implementation of the new Colorado AI law.

Cyber and Privacy Risk and Insurance

Colorado Artificial Intelligence Law: Developer Disclosure Requirements

2024-06-19 | Melissa J Krasnow

To comply with the new AI law, certain information standards of care are necessary. Melissa Krasnow explains.

Cyber and Privacy Risk and Insurance

Colorado Artificial Intelligence Law: Deployer Disclosure Requirements

2024-06-18 | Melissa J Krasnow

Consumers must be notified when and how AI systems are used. Melissa Krasnow looks into some of the specifics.

Cyber and Privacy Risk and Insurance

Colorado Artificial Intelligence Law: Deployer and Developer Definitions

2024-06-17 | Melissa J Krasnow

Melissa Krasnow relates some of the particulars of the new Colorado law, which will take effect on February 1, 2026.

Cyber and Privacy Risk and Insurance

New Jersey Privacy Law: Exceptions

2024-05-31 | Melissa J Krasnow

In the final article of the series, Melissa Krasnow identifies the exceptions to the law.

Cyber and Privacy Risk and Insurance

New Jersey Privacy Law: Notices, Controllers and Processors, and Enforcement

2024-05-30 | Melissa J Krasnow

Looking deeper into the New Jersey privacy law, Melissa Krasnow examines aspects applicable to consumers' personal data.

Cyber and Privacy Risk and Insurance

New Jersey Privacy Law: Application, Definitions, and Consumer Rights

2024-05-29 | Melissa J Krasnow

In this three-part series, Melissa Krasnow discusses details of the New Jersey data privacy and security law.

Healthcare Professional Liability Insurance

London (Still) Calling for US Healthcare Risks

2024-05-09 | Charles Kolodkin

Charles Kolodkin provides an update on the London healthcare professional liability insurance market.

Cyber and Privacy Risk and Insurance

NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0 and Risk Management

2024-03-21 | Mark Lanterman

Organizations need to stay ever vigilant against cyber risks. Mark Lanterman examines this resource aimed at helping protect critical infrastructure.