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Maritime Law

Supreme Court Casts Shade on Bright Line Test for Vessel Status

2013-02-01 | Michael A Orlando

Mike Orlando relates a recent maritime case throwing out precedent for a new "reasonable observer" test.

Corporate Aviation

Aviation Certification and Risk Management

2011-07-16 | Adam Webster

Whether your aircraft is flown under for-hire or private rules matters. Adam Webster explains.

Maritime Law

US Supreme Court Constricts Carmack Amendment

2010-09-04 | Michael A Orlando

A recent maritime law decision may impact how cargo damage suits are resolved relating to the Carmack Amendment. Michael Orlando explains.

Maritime Law

Significant Narrowing of Rule B Attachments

2009-11-01 | Michael A Orlando

A recent maritime case by the Second Circuit brings much needed common sense back into Rule B attachments, per Michael Orlando.

Maritime Law

Supreme Court Declares Punitive Damages Available for Maintenance and Cure Claim

2009-09-12 | Michael A Orlando

Michael Orlando relates a ground-breaking decision in maritime law finding punitive damages are available for a maintenance and cure claim.


Killer Bond Forms and Contract Provisions (Part 4)

2009-08-22 | Marilyn Klinger

Marilyn Klinger discusses new surety bond forms and contract provisions for contractors and subcontractors.

Maritime Law

Choice-of-Law Clauses in Marine Cargo Insurance Policy

2009-01-10 | Michael A Orlando

Michael Orlando explains that U.S. courts are generally enforcing choice-of-law clauses.


Killer Bond Forms and Contract Provisions (Part 3)

2008-08-16 | Marilyn Klinger

Marilyn Klinger delves further into coverage limitations, when the obligee completes, waiving defenses, subdivision bonds, and more.

Maritime Law

Consistent Dispute Resolute Clauses Needed in Maritime Contracts

2008-07-01 | Michael A Orlando

Michael Orlando explains how inconsistent arbitration clauses in charter parties and bills of lading inevitably lead to piecemeal dispute resolution.

Corporate Aviation

Knowing Your Aviation Business Model

2008-04-25 | Adam Webster

Despite the allure of private business jet fractional ownership, it's red ink on a bad day and treading water on a good one. Adam Webster explains.