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exporter's packages

Exporter's packages are intended for an insured whose primary foreign exposure is exported products.

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An exporter's package is not designed to cover an insured that has fixed locations overseas. The policy fills in the gaps in the insured's domestic commercial general liability (CGL) policy with regard to product liability coverage. That is, it covers product liability suits arising from occurrences taking place in a foreign country when the injury or damage arises out of a product sold outside the United States. The policy may also cover injury or damage taking place in the United States if the suit is brought outside the United States. Exporter's package policies are designed for small to medium-sized companies. Besides product liability, these packages typically include general liability coverage for overseas travel, auto liability, and foreign voluntary workers compensation (FVWC) coverages. Additional coverage options include property coverage for salespersons' samples and property at trade shows, business income, ocean cargo, and various crime coverages (such as kidnap and ransom).