F&C - fire and casualty
FAA - Federal Arbitration Act
FAA - Federal Aviation Administration
FAC - facultative reinsurance
FACTA - Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003
FAIA - Florida Association of Insurance Agents
FALU - Fellow of the Academy of Life Underwriting
FAP - family automobile policy (more commonly PAP)
FAR - Federal Aviation Regulations
FAS - Financial Accounting Standards
FCAS - Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society
FCC - Federal Communications Commission
FCIC - Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
FCII - Fellowship of the Chartered Insurance Institute (British)
FCLA - Fraud Claim Law Associate
FCLS - Fraud Claim Law Specialist
FCPA - Federal Corrupt Practices Act of 1910
FDI - foreign direct investment
FDIC - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
FDPA - Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973
FECA - Federal Employees' Compensation Act of 1916
FEGLI - Federal Employees Group Life Insurance
FERMA - Federation of European Risk Management Associations
FET - federal excise tax
FGL - fictitious grouping law
FHBM - flood hazard boundary map
FHLB - Federal Home Loan Bank
FIA - Federal Insurance Administration
FIA - Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries
FIA - full interest admitted
FIC - Fraternal Insurance Counselor
FICC - Federation of Insurance and Corporate Counsel
FIFO - first in, first out
FIFRA - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act