NFFE - nonfinancial foreign entity
NFIRA - National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994
NFPA - National Fire Protection Association
NFUCWC - National Foundation for Unemployment Compensation and Workers Compensation
NHCAA - National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association
NHI - National Health Insurance
NICB - National Insurance Crime Bureau
NICO - National Insurance Consumer Organization
NIDC - National Insurance Development Corporation
NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NIPA - National Institute of Pension Administrators
NIRP - National Insurance Risk Profile
NKLL - no known loss letter
NLE - Normal Loss Expectancy of a risk
NLRA - National Labor Relations Act
NLRB - National Labor Relations Board
NOC - not otherwise classified
NODS - non-owned disposal sites
NOL - not officially lapsed
NOLHIGA - National Organization of Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Associations
NP - named perils
NPD - no payroll division
NPL - National Priority List
NPV - net present value
NRC - Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NRMC - Nonprofit Risk Management Center
NRRA - National Risk Retention Association
NRRA - Nonadmitted and Reinsurance Reform Act
NRT - National Response Team
NSC - National Safety Council
NSIPA - National Society of Insurance Premium Auditors
NSLI - National Service Life Insurance
NSP - net single premium
NSPA - National Society of Public Accountants
NSPE - National Society of Professional Engineers
NTSB - National Transportation Safety Board
NVD - no value declared
NYSE - New York Stock Exchange