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Claims Practices

Notice-Prejudice Rule Doesn't Apply to Claims-Made-and-Reported Policy

Barry Zalma | July 21, 2023

Barry Zalma relates a recent Kentucky Supreme Court case.

Construction Law

Construction Business in Challenging Times

Robert Miletsky | July 7, 2023

Fulfilling contracts and being paid and dealing with undocumented workers are critical issues for construction firms. Robert Miletsky explains.

Risk Mgmt and Ins Higher Education Scene

Understanding ChatGPT

Brenda Powell Wells | July 7, 2023

Brenda Powell Wells examines this artificial intelligence engine and how students can use it and abuse it.

Construction Safety

Construction Industry Falling Short in Worker Safety

June 29, 2023

Ensuring workers make it home to their families at the end of the day is key. Nationwide Construction discusses ways to make this possible.

Construction Safety

Going Beyond the Appearance of Safety in Construction

TJ Lyons | June 23, 2023

Building a structure where injuries are unlikely to happen begins with design. TJ Lyons explains.

Construction Safety

Construction Operational Factors' Relation to Accidents

Peter Furst | June 23, 2023

Peter Furst examines underlying risk factors that are not commonly considered.

Cyber and Privacy Risk and Insurance

Cyber Risk Management in the Age of ChatGPT

Mark Lanterman | June 16, 2023

Risk managers need to consider artificial intelligence as it relates to their organization's risk appetite. Mark Lanterman explains.


Back-to-Back and Belly-to-Belly: Coextensive Reinsurance Coverage

Larry Schiffer | June 16, 2023

Larry Schiffer discusses the concept and importance of back-to-back reinsurance coverage.

Employee Well-Being

HR and Employment Law Support Workplace Mental Health

Sally Spencer-Thomas | June 16, 2023

Human resources (HR) departments, supported by employment law expertise, play a vital role in creating a mentally healthy work environment.

Design and Professional Liability

Design Liability: The Procurement Phase

May 31, 2023

This new series of articles by American Global explores progressive design build. This first article examines design-build procurement best practices and the measures contractors and designers can take to reduce or mitigate risk of loss.